Digital Imaging Systems

Motorised Hardware

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One way in which to increase your throughput or to reduce repetitive strain is to add some motorised hardware to your new our existing microscope. Whether you wish to return to a number of positions over time or want to scan in a whole slide it can be done by using a motorised stage. The stage will also let you visit every well in a multi-well plate.

If you are performing fluorescence you can automatically change the excitation wavelengths with a motorised filter wheel and reduce photo bleaching by adding an electronic shutter. Digital Imaging Systems use the Prior range of motorised hardware products as they are based in the UK and produce very reliable products.

Please click on the item below for more details on it.

Prior Scientific Motorised Hardware

Objective Imaging Motorised Hardware

Motorised stages

Filter wheels and shutters

Focus drives, Controllers & Joysticks

Oasis 4i four axis controller for any make of motorised stage.